So, the employees of Club Penguin are planning a special and exciting party that will surely take you on an adventure.
The theme of the party is called: ADVENTURE PARTY.
The Club Penguin workers are currently adding the finishing touches to the special bash, and planned a very special appearance from a very special PIRATE.
Any ideas on who it might be?
That's not the only exciting thing planned for Club Penguin.
A new catalog for July 2011!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPOILER ALERT!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPOILER ALERT!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPOILER ALERT!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPOILER ALERT!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is so exciting! Now you can buy new gear for the Adventure Party!
Oh, and if you did not get your two free items from Club Penguin yet (Red Hat and Blue Cloud Background), it will be in your inventory very soon. Just be patient.
Bugs were squashed:
You can now play Card-Jitsu without any problems.
They also fixed the DJ3K bugs that caused the Flash Player to freeze.
You can also expect a few NEW GAMES to come out in a while. The team is working on many new game prototypes.
That's all for now, WADDLE ON!
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